PT Bank Syariah Bukopin

PT Bank Syariah Bukopin journey started from a commercial bank, PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia which was acquired by PT Bank Bukopin Tbk to be developed into Islamic banks. Bukopin Sharia Bank started operations by conducting business based on Sharia principles after obtaining permission from Bank Indonesia Sharia surgery on October 27, 2008 and on December 11, 2008 has been inaugurated by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. PT Bank Syariah Bukopin Bandung Branch open up career opportunities to fill positions as:

Staff Legal (LGL)
General requirements:
  • Male or Female Maximum age 27 years
  • S1 Law graduates with a minimum GPA of 3.00 from a 4.00 scale
  • Obedient Muslims (For female must use jilbab)
  • Committed to the development of Islamic Banking
  • Experienced preferred
  • Status Not Married
Account Officer (AO) and Relationship Officer (RO)
General requirements:
  • Male or Female Maximum age 27 years
  • S1 graduates of all majors with a minimum GPA of 3.00 from a 4.00 scale
  • Preferably have experience in banking and extensive relationships
  • Have a high motivation for marketing
  • Status Not Married
  • Obedient Muslims (For female must use jilbab)
  • Committed to the development of Sharia Banking
Service Assistant (SA)
General requirements:
  • Women age 24 years maximum
  • D3 graduates of all majors with a GPA of at least 2.75 of 4.00 scale
  • Preferably have experience in secretarial or administrative
  • Status Not Married
  • Obedient Muslims (For female must use jilbab)
  • Committed to the development of Sharia Banking
Application containing CV, a photograph of size 3 × 4 in color as much as two sheets, copies of ID cards, diplomas and transcripts that have been passed. Applications received no later than August 8, 2011 and application code imprinted on the top left corner of the envelope. Applications sent directly to PT Bank Syariah Bukopin Cab. Bandung, UP. Departemen Sumber Daya Insani, Jln. LL. RE. Martadinata No.142 Bandung 40113 or send via email at link below.