Request for Expression of Interest
Individual Consultant Services
DAM Operational Improvement and Safety Project
Program Cooperation Between Indonesian Goverment and World Bank
Expression of Interest
Indonesia Government planned to restore the reservoir function and anticipate the declining condition of large dams in Indonesia; Indonesian Government initiates Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project (DOISP) which is a project loan from World Bank. DOISP can be used as tools for the implementation of Government Regulation No. 37/2010 which has just issued on February 2010.
Government of Indonesia through National Development Agency (Bappenas) will conduct and perform an independent monitoring and evaluation (IME DOISP) to monitor and evaluate all implementation performances of DOISP. It is expected that the output of this IME Unit can be applied to measure the comprehensive achievement of DOISP, starting from inputs, outputs, results, benefits, until impacts of the project. National Development Agency (Bappenas) invites individual consultants who will be employed for the team of IME DOISP. The duration of contract will be 7 months.
The Procurement Committee of Bappenas is now inviting skilled, highly committed and dedicated Indonesian professionals to be part of the project, for the following positions:
Economic Junior Expert (2 Person, 7 Months)
Preferable Master degree in Economics
Bachelor degree in Economic
Min 3 years experiences in econometrics or socio welfare analysis, familiar and has experiences in livelihood sector, monitoring and evaluation, water resources infrastructure project and asset management.
Familiar with property valuation (preferable certified for property appraisal)
Have a good knowledge in oral and written in English.
Good with statistics, survey analysis and tools (SPSS, E Views, Monte Carlo)
Preferably experienced on working with Central Government, Local Government, and Donors
Expression of Interest (Curriculum Vitae) must be sent to the address below not later than May 16th 2011.
Procurement Committee of Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas)
Contact Person: Ir. Hari Kristijo, MSc,
Gedung Madiun Lantai Basement,
Ruang Sekretariat Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa PHLN
Jalan Taman Suropati No.2, Jakarta Pusat 10310, Indonesia
Phone: (021) 31936207 ext 3551 Fax: 31931392
Please email to addresses below.
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